Grant ID RP220150
Awarded On February 16, 2022
Title Turn ON Antitumor Immunity in Metastatic Cancers
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Jinming Gao
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $1,048,518
Lay Summary

Metastatic diseases are responsible for 90% of cancer-related deaths and remain as a paramount challenge in patient care. In recent years, immunotherapy showed promising durable responses in cancer patients. However, generation and sustenance of robust antitumor immunity in metastatic cancers is still a challenging task. In this application, we aim to develop an intravenously injectable nano-immune-therapeutic that turns on innate immune pathways for T cell therapy of metastatic cancers. The technology is based on an ultra-pH sensitive (UPS) nanoparticle platform that was invented as a result of our past CPRIT support. By targeting tumor acidic microenvironment, we successfully imaged a ...

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