The information below provides answers to frequently asked questions about CPRIT.
CPRIT Grants
The total number and total dollar amount of grants are the sum of executed contract amounts, plus any grant amounts announced by the Oversight Committee but not yet contracted.
The number and dollar amount of grants are subject to change — all announced awards do not result in an executed contract.
CPRIT Oversight Committee
The Oversight Committee is CPRIT'S 9-member governing body. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and the Speaker of the House each appoint three individuals to the Oversight Committee to serve staggered terms. Click here to see a current list of CPRIT Oversight Committee members.
The Oversight Committee meets at least once every quarter. The agenda and location for the next Oversight Committee meeting is posted at least one week prior to the meeting. The Oversight Committee meetings are conducted according to Texas's open meeting laws.
Yes. Members of the public are invited to make comments at each Oversight Committee meeting. Comments should be brief and a speaker card should be filled out in advance.
More Information About CPRIT
The CPRIT website has current CPRIT news, events, funding opportunities, job opportunities, project information, and more. In addition, CPRIT manages a listserve to keep our partners, stakeholders, policy makers, and the public informed of CPRIT activities. Please check our website's footer and enter your email address into our Newsletter signup form. If you have a specific request or question not answered via the website, please call or email CPRIT.
Please visit our Reports page to see a current list of CPRIT publications available either electronically or in hardcopy.
Contact Mark Loeffler via phone at (512) 305-8483 or via email at [email protected] to request a speaker for your event.
Click here to view a list of current CPRIT employment opportunities
Support CPRIT
One of the best ways to support CPRIT is to share our story with your community, including cancer stakeholders, policy makers, and the general public. Helping communicate CPRIT's accomplishments and activities will support CPRIT's goals so the agency can continue to fund only the best scientific research and prevention programs.
Yes. If you would like to make a contribution to CPRIT, please contact CPRIT's main line at (512) 463-3190.