Grant ID RP170668
Awarded On August 16, 2017
Title Data Science and Informatics Core for Cancer Research
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Core Facility Support Awards
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Wenjin Zheng
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $5,846,383
Lay Summary

Each day, more than 100 Texans lose their battle with cancer. The causes of cancer are now studied extensively using the latest technologies that can generate huge amounts of data. These technologies have shifted the focus of cancer research from data generation to data analysis, demanding novel ways to sift through the sea of cancer research data to find cures. As the only free-standing biomedical informatics school in the nation, the faculty, trainees, and research staff at the School of Biomedical Informatics (SBMI) are at the forefront of developing these computational methods to analyze cancer research data. However, many of these methods are the results of academic research and not rea...

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