Grant ID RP160819
Awarded On May 18, 2016
Title Quantitative mapping of intracellular protein-protein interactomes in healthy and cancerous cells
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization Texas Agrilife Research
Principal Investigator/Program Director Jean-Philippe Pellois
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $198,753
Lay Summary

Cells can become cancerous when the function of certain proteins becomes dysregulated. These proteins carried out their molecular function by binding to other intracellular partners. To date, understand how this network of interactions change when proteins become dysregulated is a challenge because we currently lack the technologies that would permit to probe interactions networks directly inside cells. In this proposal, we will develop a radically novel technology that addresses this challenge. It consists of delivering proteins modified with affinity labels directly inside cells. Affinity labels can leave a chemical trace on the protein’s interaction partners and these partners can then an...

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