Grant ID RP110069
Awarded On October 29, 2010
Title Subcellular trafficking studies of Her2 and anti-Her2 antibodies
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas at Dallas
Principal Investigator/Program Director Raimund J Ober
Cancer Sites Basic Science, Multiple Sites
Contracted Amount $1,027,278
Lay Summary

Despite intensive efforts over the past several decades, a need persists for the development of new and improved methods to treat cancer. For example, around 40,000 people in the US are predicted to die from breast cancer annually. It is well established that in multiple cancer types, including breast, colon and ovarian, proteins called growth factor receptors on the surface of the cancerous cells can signal to the cell to grow in an uncontrolled way. One such important receptor is called HER2. Due to its central role in tumor development, targeting HER2 has provided the impetus for the development of therapeutics. However, despite major efforts in this area, a need persists to improve respo...

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