Grant ID PP160110
Awarded On August 17, 2016
Title Use of Genetic Patient Navigators to Help Mutation Carriers Comply with the NCCN Guidelines and to Enable Healthy Behaviors
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Cancer Prevention Promotion and Navigation to Clinical Services
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Theodora Ross
Cancer Sites Breast, Colorectal, Corpus and Uterus, NOS, Ovary, Stomach
Contracted Amount $399,954
Lay Summary

Patients with Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer syndrome (HBOC) and Lynch syndrome (LS) have an elevated lifetime risk for cancer. Our service area, Health Service Region 3 and 7, has one of the highest breast cancer incidence rates in the state, and greater than average incidences of ovarian, endometrial, and colorectal cancer [1]. Based on the frequency of mutated genes, 72,280 individuals in Texas who have HBOC or LS, and 22.6% (16,303 affected individuals) live in our service area. If cancer risk reduction strategies are maximized, these individuals have the opportunity to achieve primary cancer prevention or early detection of curable cancers.

In CPRIT-funded project (PP110220), data ...

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