Grant ID PP120211
Awarded On August 02, 2012
Title Unidas por Vida y Salud: Increasing Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening in El Paso
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services
Institution/Organization Cancer and Chronic Disease Consortium
Principal Investigator/Program Director Adriana Valdes
Cancer Sites Cervix Uteri
Contracted Amount $2,177,340
Lay Summary

The Cancer and Chronic Disease Consortium (CCDC) of El Paso will implement the program “Unidas por Vida y Salud: Increasing Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening in El Paso.” We will create a continuum of cancer care that spans primary prevention (education and outreach), secondary prevention (screening services and diagnostic services), and tertiary prevention (treatment services) for uninsured, underserved, and low-income women in El Paso.

CCDC is a Texas Breast and Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS) contractor with a network of over 64 health care organizations and over 92 providers. Texas BCCS is funded by the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. In addition to the se...

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