Grant ID PP110121
Awarded On January 27, 2011
Title After Cancer Care Ends-Survivorship Starts for Adolescents & Young Adults(ACCESS-AYA): A Provider/Public Education Program for AYA Cancer Survivorship
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Health Behavior Change Through Public and Professional Education and Training
Institution/Organization SETON Family of Hospitals
Principal Investigator/Program Director Boone Goodgame
Cancer Sites All Sites, Childhood and Adolescent
Contracted Amount $562,004
Lay Summary

Our primary goal is to improve the health, wellness and quality of life for Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) cancer survivors, ages 15-39. While the rate for cancer survival for most patients in the United States has continued to improve over the past several decades, there has been little recent progress in improving the survival rate for AYAs. As a group, AYA survivors have greater risks for additional cancers and they may suffer effects later in life from their cancer treatments such as fertility and heart problems.

There is frequently a gap in care for AYA cancer survivors as they move from cancer treatment to follow-up care. It is estimated that fewer than 30% of survivors 20 years fro...

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