Grant ID PP110026
Awarded On January 27, 2011
Title Application of Multi-modal Professional Education Platform to Facilitate Physician Tobacco Counseling for Smokers
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Health Behavior Change Through Public and Professional Education and Training
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Ludmila Cofta-Woerpel
Cancer Sites All Sites, Lung and Bronchus
Contracted Amount $299,947
Lay Summary

Smoking is the leading cause of death in the nation and the poor carry a particularly heavy burden of lung cancer caused by smoking. Physicians are ideally positioned to help smokers quit, but do not do it as frequently as they should because of time limitations and insufficient knowledge about tobacco addiction and treatment. This project helps busy physicians refer their smoking patients to the Texas State Quitline to receive free telephone counseling and free nicotine patches.

The project also offers tobacco education to physicians, both through traditional live and online lectures, and through innovative methods where actors or computer characters pretending to be patients allow the phys...

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