Grant ID DP190087
Awarded On August 21, 2019
Title OTIS (optical tissue imaging system) Impact on Final Positive Margin Rates in Breast Conserving Surgery
Program Product Development Research
Award Mechanism Company Relocation
Institution/Organization Perimeter Medical Imaging Corp
Principal Investigator/Program Director Andrew Berkeley
Cancer Sites Breast, Colorectal, Head and Neck
Contracted Amount $7,446,844
Lay Summary

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among females, accounting for 23 % of total cancer cases and 14 % of cancer deaths. The total cost to treat breast cancer patients in Texas is $250,000,000 per year. Breast Conservation Surgery (BCS) is the leading approach to removing breast cancer tumors, however almost 1 in 4 patients return for a second surgery due to cancer being left behind. There are no effective tools available to surgeons during surgery to identify when they fail to remove the entire tumor and they have to wait 2-7 days for results from Pathology. Perimeter has developed a high resolution imaging device, OTIS. OTIS images re...

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