Grant ID CP120014
Awarded On March 29, 2012
Title Expanding the Market and Success Rates for Myeloablative Cancer Treatments Using PUL-042, an Innate Immune Stimulant
Program Product Development Research
Award Mechanism Company Formation
Institution/Organization Pulmotect, Inc.
Principal Investigator/Program Director Brenton Scott
Cancer Sites Breast, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Ovary
Contracted Amount $7,126,398
Lay Summary

Working closely with partners at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Texas A&M, and Baylor College of Medicine, Pulmotect is developing a novel, protectable technology to reduce the incidence of pneumonia in immunosuppressed cancer patients and significantly improve how cancer patients are treated. Our therapeutic product, PUL-042, is a combination of two stimulants that boost the lung's own defense mechanisms to create a broad protection against invading pathogens thereby reducing and preventing lung infection. Both cellular and live animal preclinical proof-of-concept experiments have been completed that validate this technology and support moving it forward into the clinic. It is in the most at...

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