Grant ID 10-50
Awarded On September 01, 2009
Title Comprehensive Tobacco Prevention Network (CTPN)
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Legacy Grant
Institution/Organization Texas A&M University System Health Science Center Research Foundation
Principal Investigator/Program Director Lavern Holyfield
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $203,244
Lay Summary

The Comprehensive Tobacco Prevention Network will provide tobacco intervention services to minority and low SES residents in the North Texas area, focusing primarily on reaching African Americans, through the following venues: development of a communications network to educate minority populations about the impact of tobacco use on health by engaging ministers of churches with predominantly minority congregations and other community members, implementation of a church-based community awareness campaign, providing access to cessation services for community members, and design and implementation of a consensus conference to standardize tobacco intervention protocols for minority patients. T...

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