Grant ID 10-10
Awarded On September 01, 2009
Title Cancer Foundation for Life Physical Conditioning Program
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Legacy Grant
Institution/Organization Cancer Foundation for Life
Principal Investigator/Program Director Wendy Lowry
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $100,000
Lay Summary

This program replicates a physical conditioning program started in Tyler, Texas, that offers on-going physical conditioning support to cancer survivors, families, and caregivers in the Dallas area. Services are free of charge. Patients are referred by a physician into the program, are evaluated, and receive a customized exercise program based on their unique needs.

The program includes exercises such as treadmill walking, elliptical, lower and upper body stretching and strengthening using stretch bands and dumbbells, and core muscle strengthening using the Swiss ball and/or the Safety Squat machine. Sites are located in facilities such as community centers, churches, hospitals, or in the h...

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