Grant ID RP210206
Awarded On August 18, 2021
Title Novel tumor-specific bioactive nanoparticles for cancer therapy
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization The University of Texas at Arlington
Principal Investigator/Program Director Kytai Nguyen
Cancer Sites Breast, Lung and Bronchus
Contracted Amount $249,999
Lay Summary

The estimated cancer incidence is about 1.8 million in the US in 2020 with over 600,000 deaths. The majority of cancer mortality comes from metastatic diseases that are treated with systemic therapies. Significant advances in systemic cancer therapies such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy and small molecule inhibitors have been made over the past several decades that have improved patient outcomes. However, these systemic therapies suffer from a lack of tumor specificity that significantly reduces their efficacy and causes multiple and severe side effects from collateral damage of normal cells, including but not limited to hair loss, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea and nerve damage. Therefore, there...

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