Grant ID RP160229
Awarded On November 19, 2015
Title Imaging-based quantitative analysis of vascular perfusion and tissue oxygenation to improve therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Rony Avritscher
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $885,901
Lay Summary

Primary liver cancer is the most rapidly increasing cause of cancer mortality in the United States. Unfortunately, only less than 20% of the patients are candidates for curative surgery. The rest of the patients undergo treatments designed to slow down the disease. Despite recent advances in drugs designed to deprive the tumors from oxygen by inhibiting new blood vessel growth, overall improvement is found to be only temporary. We now understand that cells deprived of oxygen play a central role in tumor growth and treatment failure. Given these new discoveries, areas of low oxygenation in tumors are of great interest in cancer research, including the potential to exploit them during can...

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