Grant ID RP140412
Awarded On August 20, 2014
Title Endotrophin and the Obesity/Cancer Nexus: Role in Growth and Chemoresistance
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Philipp Scherer
Cancer Sites Breast
Contracted Amount $899,997
Lay Summary

We have identified a novel molecule derived through a cleavage event from an abundant extracellular scaffold protein in fat tissue. The generation of this fragment termed ENDOTROPHIN is enhanced in the context of obesity and further stimulated by infiltrating tumor cells into the fatty tissue of the breast. With obesity and all of its negative health consequences on the rise, the fat cell is increasingly moving center stage in the context of studies of local effects on tumor growth. ENDOTROPHIN is a fat cell-derived molecule that is a novel growth factor exerting potent effects in the tumor microenvironment, conveying chemo-resistance to tumor cells. Since it is upregulated in obese adipose ...

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