Grant ID RP130639
Awarded On December 05, 2012
Title A role for non-coding RNA in the regulation of telomerase in breast cancer
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization Texas Agrilife Research
Principal Investigator/Program Director Dorothy E Shippen
Cancer Sites All Sites, Breast
Contracted Amount $199,912
Lay Summary

Telomerase is an enzyme expressed in cells with unlimited mitotic potential (e.g. germinal and stem cells), but its expression is blocked in specialized (differentiated) cells that have limited growth potential. On the other hand, telomerase is aberrantly expressed in neoplastic cells and plays a critical role in cancer development. Thus, precise regulation of telomerase is essential for maintaining normal tissue homeostasis and blocking carcinogenesis. In this study, we will investigate a new regulatory mechanism for telomerase involving one or more RNA molecules that control enzyme activity in response to DNA damage. This mechanism was recently discovered in plants but has not been stu...

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